New Year's Eve
The main dish is the sausage, a constant presence to greet the year that goes and what is made in each region according to different recipes and styles. We chose the Cremonese, big and round like a ball, from long cooking, and we paired with five soft mashed vegetables, a side-stocked, with plenty of lentils and pomegranate seeds as a garnish ... Who knows if it will bring luck and money? Meanwhile, enjoy them with joy in the company will be the first wish of a good start, even with the appetizer to celebrate "the Russian" mixed vegetable stew, and macaroni and a first blinis stuffed with chicken, both light and tasty. To close the tarts are richly stuffed with rice, figs, prunes and nuts. And finally, there are your recipes!
Blinis with mixed vegetables
(This recipe is by Nuxia)

Ingredients for 6 persons:Blinis:
250 g flour - 250 g milk - 60 g buckwheat flour - 15 g yeast - 2 eggs - plain yogurt - saltFilling: sliced peeled vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, celery, onion, carrot, artichoke), around 600 g - 250 g Robiola - olive oil - salt
Blinis: In a bowl, prepare batter by mixing white flour with wheat, buckwheat, milk, eggs, crumbled yeast, a spoonful of yogurt and a pinch of salt. Let it rise covered, for about an hour in a warm place, then ladles to cook in a pan of very hot iron (ø cm 10): You have to get 12 blinis (thin buns). Filling: stew the vegetables in a saucepan with a little olive oil, starting with the celery, carrot and onion, and after about 10 'you add all the other, a pinch of salt, a little water, then cook again for 15 'or so. Serve the blinis stacked, stuffed and covered with vegetables and sliced Robiola that, with the warmth of the other ingredients, slowly begins to melt.
Recipe of the December 27
(This recipe is by Nuxia)
Ingredients for 6 persons:
18 large macaroni (paccheri) - skinless chicken thighs 350 g - 200 g leek, cleaned - fresh cream 150 g - 50 g butter - g flour 35 to 12 slices of bread - 2 sachets of saffron - laurel - grain - dry white wine - salt - pepper
boiled for 20 'the chicken legs in a liter of water flavored with a few grains of pepper, salt, half a glass of wine and a bay leaf. Fleshless legs boiled, strain the broth, misuratene 3 / 4 liter of land by, and what remains, soak the sliced bread, then squeeze it and pass it to the mixer with the meat of the chicken 5 tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese, salt and Pepper will be the stuffing for the macaroni.Cook them al dente in boiling salted water colored with saffron, then let them cool and, finally, fill them with the prepared stuffing. Slice the leek and stufatelo for 20 'in a saucepan with 15 g of butter, salt, 200 g of water, then frullatelo cream with whipped cream. In a saucepan, over low heat, soak the remaining butter (g 35) with the flour. Dilute the roux to the hot broth (3 / 4 of a liter), salt, pepper and cook for about the velvety 8 ', then mix with the cream of leek, turn off and after about 2', spread the mixture in bowls. Sit macaroni (3 each) and serve.
Recipe of the December 27
(This recipe is by Nuxia)
Ingredients for 6 persons:
a boiled sausage Cremona kg 1 - 800 g boiled potatoes - boiled lentils 250 g - 250 g celeriac stew - 250 g boiled pumpkin - 250 g boiled fennel - butter - Cremona mustard - parsley - milk - olive oil - salt - white pepper and black beans
past the boiled vegetables to blender keeping them separate. Add a big spoonful of mashed potatoes to each other mashed vegetables, then work to lentils with a little olive oil, salt and ground black pepper. The puree of celery, zucchini and fennel, however, you "mount" one at a time with a large knob of butter, salt, white pepper and hot milk for each finger. At the mashed potatoes (those remaining), then, are blended butter, hot milk, chopped parsley and a spoonful of mustard in a small tiny cubes. Serve hot sausage, pre-sliced, accompanied by mashed potatoes and several completed, at will, with a handful of pomegranate seeds auspicious.
Recipe of the December 27
(This recipe is by Nuxia)
Ingredients for 6 persons:500 g shortcrust pastry - 250 ml milk - 150 g rice native - 80 g sugar - 80 g dried apricots - 60 g dried figs - prunes 50 g - 50 g nuts - hazelnuts g from 50 to 4 dates - 4 egg yolks - cinnamon powder - vanilla - sugar - rum - salt
Boil the rice in a pint of water and milk mixed in equal parts, with a pinch of salt after 20 'off and let sit until the rice has absorbed all the liquid, then mix it with egg yolks, icing sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and a tablespoon of rum. Roll out the pastry and covered 18 oval ramekins. Fill them with dried fruit passed to the mixer and blended with rice, leveling well. Sprinkle the "tart" with brown sugar and bake at 190 ° C for 20 '.
Recipe of the December 27
Terrine de foie gras au volaille
(This recipe is Giselle V.) - (France)

500g of minced pork and veal equal parts
350 g white meat (breast), turkey or chickenmeta 'cubes and half' milkshake
150 g of lard bard, cut into strips (about 4 / 5 inches long (you can 'use of bacon lying)2 eggs2 dl creme fraiche (use the pen)
150 g shallots (enough for me 60/70)
2 cloves of garlic, germ removed (I can not put it)½ bunch of parsley (there will be about a dozen sprigs)
1 tablespoon of "Four Spices
10 grams of salt5 g of ground black peppera splash plenty of Porto
25 cl of gelatin to the port (I bought a pack powder, ½ the preparation I have used more 'meta')
1) Blend the parsley, garlic, shallots, and mix with ground veal and pork
2) add the Port
3) the pepper, the four spices, pink salt (if you do not have normal salt)
4) Whisk the goal 'of poultry meat and eggs the creme fraiche last
5) to add the goal 'of foie gras
6) you get a nice mousse
7) add this filling / mousse stuffing of veal and pork the other half 'of birds in small cubes and bacon cut into strips or bard (mix well using your hands if you have any problems using the gloves and put gietta)
8) Place the bottom of the bowl, a first layer of stuffing, perdisponendo dimples for foie gras
9) put stiscine, chunks of foie gras, cover, being careful to keep in place the foie gras, gently compressed, smooth with a spatula
10) cover
11) and put the dough around to seal the bowl (I did not want, I used the methodCookingBake in water bath and in a moderate oven 160 ° / 180 ° about 2 hours, 2 hours and a half second oil furnace.Just cooked, pour over the gelatin until bordo.Questo will do 'come to the surface and formed fat will protect' the bowl during storage and cooling (in a nutshell keeps soft). The temperature in the middle of the bowl varies between 75 / 80 ° C. You can 'ottimizzre cooking lowering the oven temperature during cooking to rimenere fork in this temperature.Note: I have cooked at 160 degrees for 1 hour and forty, I have the thermometer probe but without the cooking so 'is goodThe water bath is heated on the stove first, then put the bowl in a hot oven.Once the bowl has cooled, put it in the fridge and leave at least 12 hours
Recipe of the December 28
Terrine of duck foie gras with figs and dried
(This recipe is from Monique R) - (France)
A duck for about two kg
300g of minced pork, drawing media
300 g bacon, chopped fresh medium die
200 grams of dried figs
1 slice of foie gras from about
8 g (optional)
1 teaspoon of "four spices"
2 teaspoons salt guerande ground (a good salt is fine)
30 turns of the pepper grinder10 / 20 cl port
2 eggs
2 dl of creamjuniper berriesGelatin
1 liter and a half
The day beforeBone the duck, reserve a breast, remove skin fat, gristle, grind.Cut the breasts into strips and season with a little 'port and the four spices, store in refrigerator.Cut the figs into 8 parts and soak them in the portWith the carcass of the duck, and a few juniper berries to a fund (similar)The day of cookingPrepare the ground farcia.Mescolare with eggs, cream, the very bottom of the duck, salt and fichi.Salare and pepper.Doing very little fat quickly resold the strips of duck.In a bowl, half-gallon crock, put a layer of stuffing, then strips of duck, always a little push. 'Continue layered with stuffing and foie gras stuffing, thread and stuffing coprire.Mi recommend to press hard.Let stand in refrigerator about six hours.Heat oven to 180 degrees, heat water for cooking in a double boiler, place the pan and bake.I use the thermometer probe but not possessing, you can 'takes about an hour of cooking to 180 degrees, then lower the temperature to 160 degrees, cook for about an hour. With the thermometer at heart is the temperature of 75 ° .Meanwhile, prepare the gelatin.Remove from oven, drain the fat, put the jelly in its place, put in the fridge and hope you do go the cooler as bagalio hand!! Serve after 48 hours, keeping in the fridge and keeping it at room temperature at least half 'hours before serving.
Recipe of the December 28
The briouates starters with phyllo dough
(This recipe is from Patrizia)
I tried this recipe the Moroccan briouates (I live in Rabat) and I must say that it is simple and good. Cut into julienne carrots, zucchini and leek and chopped the mushrooms. Sauté all the vegetables in a little oil, salt and pepper added just after the mushrooms and continue cooking if necessary with a little broth. You can also add spices if you like. You use a lot of cumin. Once the vegetables are cooked adj.dough parmesan or grana. Putting together two sheets of phyllo dough and fold the sides like cannelloni filling from the bottom, roll and lock with a little egg. Brush the cannelloni with the egg and sprinkle with cheese. It may be that fry cook in the oven.
Recipe of the December 28
Pappardelle with duck
(This recipe is Diana C. - Siena)
(Made my way to be more inspired 'recipes)
1 duck
peel of an orangeGrand Marnierred
odors (carrot, celery, onion, garlic)
Cloves - juniper berries
Peel off the duck and strip the flesh off as much as possible. Reduce the carcass into pieces and put everything in a bowl to marinate with grated orange peel, half a glass of Grand Marnier and a little 'wine. Leave it for 12/24 hours.Make a mixture of herbs and fry in oil. Meanwhile, boil the red wine with the cloves and crushed juniper berries. Add the fried meat including carcass and brown. Add the wine and cook for bollitto 2 or 3 hours (plus ', and more cooks' is good). Strip the flesh off all the meat and chop on a cutting board with a mezzaluna or knife. Repulse all in pot and boil it in again. If necessary add a little 'water' cause when you drain the noodles are always a little 'dry well' some 'of liquid uncomfortable.From mouth-watering. shame that I had to hold back because of other courses. very successful and excellent.
Recipe of the December 28
Sausage in Brioche (EN BRIOCHE saucisson - France)
(This recipe is from Alex B.)
This brioche is made with a sausage called saucisson de France Morteau that we can not be found but may very well be replaced by modena sausage sausage or some Southern cooking.
Ingredients for 5 / 6 persons
1 sausage sausage to another about gr. 450
3 eggs
1 packet of yeast (yeast for 25 grams)
20 cl. of fresh cream
250 gr. flour
20 gr. of buttera few leaves of lettuce
Salt q.b.
If you prefer pre-cooked sausage (the best is the Modena), prepare as directed.If it's more sausage to be cooked by placing it in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil and let it cook for 20 minutes (or more depending on the case of fresh or dried sausage) is removed from the water and then Leave it to cool.Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat them like an omelet, then incorporate, still whisking, baking powder, fresh cream and the flour little by little, to keep lumps, in order to obtain a smooth paste.Butter a mold profusely plum cake, pour the pasta. Remove the skin from the sausage (or sausage) and place it on the dough by pressing it lightly because lunges.Let stand for 20 minutes.Turn the oven to 180 degrees and bake 10 minutes after the mold and bake 40 minutes x.To serve place the pastries on a serving dish and garnish with green salad endive (it would be the "niçoise") French. I prefer the lentils with garlic.
Recipe of the December 28
Gingerbread Umbro
(This recipe is from Perugia by Susanna)
This is the recipe from a friend who last year I ran with success has been very popular with friends

Doses for c / a 20 Pampepato:
• 1 tablespoon freshly ground pepper
• 1 kg. clean of nuts
• 400 g. clean and toasted hazelnuts in the oven for 10 'to 250 °
• 400 g. clean and toasted almonds in the oven for 20 'c / yy 200 ° (should be just golden)
• 200 g. clean pine nuts
• 300 g. of cooked
• 350 g. of honey
• 1 kg. dark chocolate
• 2 lemons grated
• 2 oranges, grated
• A grating of nutmeg (less than half)
• 1 glass of cold sweet coffee
• 200 g. flour c / a (one that collects)
• 200 g. lime green (even candy are fine)
600 g. raisins by soaking in white wine (by squeezing)
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Add the melted chocolate at the end in a double boiler, flour and pepper. Let the dough (all night). Make balls and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Under the balls a little 'or wafers of flour (or parchment paper). The balls tend tend to open, adjust them with a spoon dipped in cold water.
Recipe of the December 28
Blinis with mixed vegetables
(This recipe is by Nuxia)

Ingredients for 6 persons:Blinis:
250 g flour - 250 g milk - 60 g buckwheat flour - 15 g yeast - 2 eggs - plain yogurt - saltFilling: sliced peeled vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, celery, onion, carrot, artichoke), around 600 g - 250 g Robiola - olive oil - salt
Blinis: In a bowl, prepare batter by mixing white flour with wheat, buckwheat, milk, eggs, crumbled yeast, a spoonful of yogurt and a pinch of salt. Let it rise covered, for about an hour in a warm place, then ladles to cook in a pan of very hot iron (ø cm 10): You have to get 12 blinis (thin buns). Filling: stew the vegetables in a saucepan with a little olive oil, starting with the celery, carrot and onion, and after about 10 'you add all the other, a pinch of salt, a little water, then cook again for 15 'or so. Serve the blinis stacked, stuffed and covered with vegetables and sliced Robiola that, with the warmth of the other ingredients, slowly begins to melt.
Recipe of the December 27

(This recipe is by Nuxia)
Ingredients for 6 persons:
18 large macaroni (paccheri) - skinless chicken thighs 350 g - 200 g leek, cleaned - fresh cream 150 g - 50 g butter - g flour 35 to 12 slices of bread - 2 sachets of saffron - laurel - grain - dry white wine - salt - pepper
boiled for 20 'the chicken legs in a liter of water flavored with a few grains of pepper, salt, half a glass of wine and a bay leaf. Fleshless legs boiled, strain the broth, misuratene 3 / 4 liter of land by, and what remains, soak the sliced bread, then squeeze it and pass it to the mixer with the meat of the chicken 5 tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese, salt and Pepper will be the stuffing for the macaroni.Cook them al dente in boiling salted water colored with saffron, then let them cool and, finally, fill them with the prepared stuffing. Slice the leek and stufatelo for 20 'in a saucepan with 15 g of butter, salt, 200 g of water, then frullatelo cream with whipped cream. In a saucepan, over low heat, soak the remaining butter (g 35) with the flour. Dilute the roux to the hot broth (3 / 4 of a liter), salt, pepper and cook for about the velvety 8 ', then mix with the cream of leek, turn off and after about 2', spread the mixture in bowls. Sit macaroni (3 each) and serve.
Recipe of the December 27

(This recipe is by Nuxia)
Ingredients for 6 persons:
a boiled sausage Cremona kg 1 - 800 g boiled potatoes - boiled lentils 250 g - 250 g celeriac stew - 250 g boiled pumpkin - 250 g boiled fennel - butter - Cremona mustard - parsley - milk - olive oil - salt - white pepper and black beans
past the boiled vegetables to blender keeping them separate. Add a big spoonful of mashed potatoes to each other mashed vegetables, then work to lentils with a little olive oil, salt and ground black pepper. The puree of celery, zucchini and fennel, however, you "mount" one at a time with a large knob of butter, salt, white pepper and hot milk for each finger. At the mashed potatoes (those remaining), then, are blended butter, hot milk, chopped parsley and a spoonful of mustard in a small tiny cubes. Serve hot sausage, pre-sliced, accompanied by mashed potatoes and several completed, at will, with a handful of pomegranate seeds auspicious.
Recipe of the December 27

(This recipe is by Nuxia)
Ingredients for 6 persons:500 g shortcrust pastry - 250 ml milk - 150 g rice native - 80 g sugar - 80 g dried apricots - 60 g dried figs - prunes 50 g - 50 g nuts - hazelnuts g from 50 to 4 dates - 4 egg yolks - cinnamon powder - vanilla - sugar - rum - salt
Boil the rice in a pint of water and milk mixed in equal parts, with a pinch of salt after 20 'off and let sit until the rice has absorbed all the liquid, then mix it with egg yolks, icing sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and a tablespoon of rum. Roll out the pastry and covered 18 oval ramekins. Fill them with dried fruit passed to the mixer and blended with rice, leveling well. Sprinkle the "tart" with brown sugar and bake at 190 ° C for 20 '.
Recipe of the December 27
Terrine de foie gras au volaille
(This recipe is Giselle V.) - (France)

500g of minced pork and veal equal parts
350 g white meat (breast), turkey or chickenmeta 'cubes and half' milkshake
150 g of lard bard, cut into strips (about 4 / 5 inches long (you can 'use of bacon lying)2 eggs2 dl creme fraiche (use the pen)
150 g shallots (enough for me 60/70)
2 cloves of garlic, germ removed (I can not put it)½ bunch of parsley (there will be about a dozen sprigs)
1 tablespoon of "Four Spices
10 grams of salt5 g of ground black peppera splash plenty of Porto
25 cl of gelatin to the port (I bought a pack powder, ½ the preparation I have used more 'meta')
1) Blend the parsley, garlic, shallots, and mix with ground veal and pork
2) add the Port
3) the pepper, the four spices, pink salt (if you do not have normal salt)
4) Whisk the goal 'of poultry meat and eggs the creme fraiche last
5) to add the goal 'of foie gras
6) you get a nice mousse
7) add this filling / mousse stuffing of veal and pork the other half 'of birds in small cubes and bacon cut into strips or bard (mix well using your hands if you have any problems using the gloves and put gietta)
8) Place the bottom of the bowl, a first layer of stuffing, perdisponendo dimples for foie gras
9) put stiscine, chunks of foie gras, cover, being careful to keep in place the foie gras, gently compressed, smooth with a spatula
10) cover
11) and put the dough around to seal the bowl (I did not want, I used the methodCookingBake in water bath and in a moderate oven 160 ° / 180 ° about 2 hours, 2 hours and a half second oil furnace.Just cooked, pour over the gelatin until bordo.Questo will do 'come to the surface and formed fat will protect' the bowl during storage and cooling (in a nutshell keeps soft). The temperature in the middle of the bowl varies between 75 / 80 ° C. You can 'ottimizzre cooking lowering the oven temperature during cooking to rimenere fork in this temperature.Note: I have cooked at 160 degrees for 1 hour and forty, I have the thermometer probe but without the cooking so 'is goodThe water bath is heated on the stove first, then put the bowl in a hot oven.Once the bowl has cooled, put it in the fridge and leave at least 12 hours
Recipe of the December 28
Terrine of duck foie gras with figs and dried
(This recipe is from Monique R) - (France)

A duck for about two kg
300g of minced pork, drawing media
300 g bacon, chopped fresh medium die
200 grams of dried figs
1 slice of foie gras from about
8 g (optional)
1 teaspoon of "four spices"
2 teaspoons salt guerande ground (a good salt is fine)
30 turns of the pepper grinder10 / 20 cl port
2 eggs
2 dl of creamjuniper berriesGelatin
1 liter and a half
The day beforeBone the duck, reserve a breast, remove skin fat, gristle, grind.Cut the breasts into strips and season with a little 'port and the four spices, store in refrigerator.Cut the figs into 8 parts and soak them in the portWith the carcass of the duck, and a few juniper berries to a fund (similar)The day of cookingPrepare the ground farcia.Mescolare with eggs, cream, the very bottom of the duck, salt and fichi.Salare and pepper.Doing very little fat quickly resold the strips of duck.In a bowl, half-gallon crock, put a layer of stuffing, then strips of duck, always a little push. 'Continue layered with stuffing and foie gras stuffing, thread and stuffing coprire.Mi recommend to press hard.Let stand in refrigerator about six hours.Heat oven to 180 degrees, heat water for cooking in a double boiler, place the pan and bake.I use the thermometer probe but not possessing, you can 'takes about an hour of cooking to 180 degrees, then lower the temperature to 160 degrees, cook for about an hour. With the thermometer at heart is the temperature of 75 ° .Meanwhile, prepare the gelatin.Remove from oven, drain the fat, put the jelly in its place, put in the fridge and hope you do go the cooler as bagalio hand!! Serve after 48 hours, keeping in the fridge and keeping it at room temperature at least half 'hours before serving.
Recipe of the December 28
The briouates starters with phyllo dough
(This recipe is from Patrizia)
I tried this recipe the Moroccan briouates (I live in Rabat) and I must say that it is simple and good. Cut into julienne carrots, zucchini and leek and chopped the mushrooms. Sauté all the vegetables in a little oil, salt and pepper added just after the mushrooms and continue cooking if necessary with a little broth. You can also add spices if you like. You use a lot of cumin. Once the vegetables are cooked adj.dough parmesan or grana. Putting together two sheets of phyllo dough and fold the sides like cannelloni filling from the bottom, roll and lock with a little egg. Brush the cannelloni with the egg and sprinkle with cheese. It may be that fry cook in the oven.
Recipe of the December 28
Pappardelle with duck
(This recipe is Diana C. - Siena)
(Made my way to be more inspired 'recipes)
1 duck
peel of an orangeGrand Marnierred
odors (carrot, celery, onion, garlic)
Cloves - juniper berries
Peel off the duck and strip the flesh off as much as possible. Reduce the carcass into pieces and put everything in a bowl to marinate with grated orange peel, half a glass of Grand Marnier and a little 'wine. Leave it for 12/24 hours.Make a mixture of herbs and fry in oil. Meanwhile, boil the red wine with the cloves and crushed juniper berries. Add the fried meat including carcass and brown. Add the wine and cook for bollitto 2 or 3 hours (plus ', and more cooks' is good). Strip the flesh off all the meat and chop on a cutting board with a mezzaluna or knife. Repulse all in pot and boil it in again. If necessary add a little 'water' cause when you drain the noodles are always a little 'dry well' some 'of liquid uncomfortable.From mouth-watering. shame that I had to hold back because of other courses. very successful and excellent.
Recipe of the December 28
Sausage in Brioche (EN BRIOCHE saucisson - France)
(This recipe is from Alex B.)
This brioche is made with a sausage called saucisson de France Morteau that we can not be found but may very well be replaced by modena sausage sausage or some Southern cooking.
Ingredients for 5 / 6 persons

3 eggs
1 packet of yeast (yeast for 25 grams)
20 cl. of fresh cream
250 gr. flour
20 gr. of buttera few leaves of lettuce
Salt q.b.
If you prefer pre-cooked sausage (the best is the Modena), prepare as directed.If it's more sausage to be cooked by placing it in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil and let it cook for 20 minutes (or more depending on the case of fresh or dried sausage) is removed from the water and then Leave it to cool.Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat them like an omelet, then incorporate, still whisking, baking powder, fresh cream and the flour little by little, to keep lumps, in order to obtain a smooth paste.Butter a mold profusely plum cake, pour the pasta. Remove the skin from the sausage (or sausage) and place it on the dough by pressing it lightly because lunges.Let stand for 20 minutes.Turn the oven to 180 degrees and bake 10 minutes after the mold and bake 40 minutes x.To serve place the pastries on a serving dish and garnish with green salad endive (it would be the "niçoise") French. I prefer the lentils with garlic.
Recipe of the December 28
Gingerbread Umbro
(This recipe is from Perugia by Susanna)
This is the recipe from a friend who last year I ran with success has been very popular with friends

Doses for c / a 20 Pampepato:
• 1 tablespoon freshly ground pepper
• 1 kg. clean of nuts
• 400 g. clean and toasted hazelnuts in the oven for 10 'to 250 °
• 400 g. clean and toasted almonds in the oven for 20 'c / yy 200 ° (should be just golden)
• 200 g. clean pine nuts
• 300 g. of cooked
• 350 g. of honey
• 1 kg. dark chocolate
• 2 lemons grated
• 2 oranges, grated
• A grating of nutmeg (less than half)
• 1 glass of cold sweet coffee
• 200 g. flour c / a (one that collects)
• 200 g. lime green (even candy are fine)
600 g. raisins by soaking in white wine (by squeezing)
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Add the melted chocolate at the end in a double boiler, flour and pepper. Let the dough (all night). Make balls and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Under the balls a little 'or wafers of flour (or parchment paper). The balls tend tend to open, adjust them with a spoon dipped in cold water.
Recipe of the December 28
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