giovedì 23 maggio 2013

Bavarian with chocolate hearts

The recipe for Mother's Day:

Bavarian with chocolate hearts
(This recipe By Nuxia)

The feast of the Mother, a recurrence spread throughout the world, although in some countries it is celebrated at different times. In Italy, the first celebration dates back to the late 50s and since then on the second Sunday of May. To celebrate the Day this year I thought of something special, but especially scenic. I suggest this recipe alternative to traditional cake shaped like a heart, a Bavarian chocolate. you can prepare it with either white chocolate or dark chocolate with. Or, as I did, with both chocolates. In addition, the recipe for Bavarian with hearts melting is also perfect to celebrate Valentine's Day with a their own half of the heart. You can in both cases, if you prefer, you can also use a springform pan opening in the shape of heart. In any case, the heart is a symbol to show all the love to those who love each other.

For Cookies Heart:
350g flour 00
25g of starch
80g of butter
100g of sugar
25g dark chocolate
25g cocoa
100g of milk
2 egg yolks
1/2 tablespoon baking vanilla
a pinch of salt

For the Bavarian:
6 egg yolks
100g white chocolate
1/2 liter of milk
1/2 liter fresh cream
160 g sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
20g gelatin sheets
200g raspberries
50g dark chocolate (optional)
Grated dark chocolate to taste

For the cookies:
Cream the butter with the sugar until you get a well whipped cream. Add the cocoa and chocolate previously melted in a double boiler and mix until a smooth cream.
Dissolve the salt in the milk and add it to the cream obtained, then add the flour with the starch and baking powder. Mix slowly until dough is omogeneo.Lasciare the dough rest in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for 30 minutes.After having spread a layer of about 8 mm cut the dough with a cutter in the shape of heart and bake on greased baking sheet or parchment paper for 10-15 minutes at 180 ° C. Turn off the oven. Remove the cookies from the oven and let cool on a wire rack. then put in the oven to dry off but still warm, until the oven has cooled down completely.
Meanwhile the cookies end up drying in the oven, prepare the Bavarian:
First thing to do Soften gelatin in cold water. Melt the white chocolate in a double boiler.
In a bowl beat the eggs with the sugar, mixing well so do all the sugar dissolve well. In a small saucepan heat the milk with the vanilla, turn off the heat. Add the milk a little at a time, to eggs. Stir constantly. Put everything in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. (If you want you can add a third of the compound of dark chocolate, melted in a double boiler. And continue cooking the mixture in a saucepan a part.) Add the white chocolate liquid. Stir ancora.Appena begins to boil, turn off, stir the gelatin one at a time, stirring constantly and let cool. (14 sheets for the white chocolate mixture and 6 sheets for the compound in dark chocolate.) When the mixture of eggs, milk and sugar is just warm, whip the cream with a mixer, and stir in white chocolate (and possibly a third of cream to the mixture dark chocolate). Take a springform pan openable round of 20 cm in diameter, and cover only the bottom of baking paper slightly wet, so as to adhere to the pan. Insert inside, around the edges of the pan, the hearts of chocolates upside down (with the tip at the top). Pour half of the white chocolate mixture. Place the raspberries inside. Leave aside 50 g raspberries for the final decoration. Pour the remaining chocolate mixture white finish with the mixture of dark chocolate, in case you have prepared. make firm the Bavarian. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.
To serve and decorate:
Remove the cream from the refrigerator. Turn the mold in a dish portata.Aprire the springform pan gently. Remove the paper from the surface of the Bavarian oven. Grate on the surface of chocolate. Decorate with raspberries in the center have been set aside. At the center insert two hearts of chocolate chip cookies.
Recipe of 06/05/2013

Nuxia 's advise:
Do you want to speed up the preparation time? Buy prepared for creme caramel and dark chocolate pudding and replace them to the mixture Bavarian. Remember, though, to add to the product, two tablespoons of cornstarch for each compound chocolate. For the cookies, you can replace them with dark chocolate cookies that are for sale at the supermarket! You'll get a good result with less effort!

Penne rigate al sugo di pomodoro e ventresca

Penne al sugo di pomodoro e ventresca
( Questa ricette è di Nuxia )

Nella cucina Italiana di tutti i giorni, non può mancare la pasta. viene preparata con tante varianti di sugo. Oggi vi propongo la pasta in formato penne rigate, con il sugo di pomodoro e ventresca di tonno. Se non l'avete mai assaggiata provatela e vi innamorerete al primo assaggio!

Ingredienti per 4 persone:

320gr di Pasta Penne Rigate
500gr di Salsa di Pomodoro  La Sovrana Cirio* oppure La Vellutata Valfrutta*
1/2 Cipolla Rossa di Tropea D.O.P.* in alternativa usare 1/2 cipolla rossa di altra provenienza
320 gr di Ventresca di Tonno in scatola al naturale o in olio d'oliva extravergine di oliva
Prezzemolo fresco tritato quanto basta
Olio extra vergine di oliva quanto basta
un pizzico di sale.

In una pentola fare bollire l'acqua e cuocere la pasta.
Preparare il sugo. In una casseruola, soffriggere la cipolla tritata con poco di olio extravergine di oliva, per circa un minuto. Versare la salsa di pomodoro. Aggiungere la ventresca di tonno a tagliata a pezzi. Aggiustare qualche un pizzico sale. lasciate cuocere il sugo con coperchio chiuso per circa 5 - 7 minuti o fino a quando il sugo sarà un pò ristretto. Spegnere. Verificare la cottura della pasta. mettere in una Wok qualche cucchiaio di acqua di cottura della pasta. Scolare la pasta.  Mettere la pasta nella wok. Aggiungere il sugo di pomodoro e ventresca. Mettere la padella sul fornello acceso e saltare la pasta con l'acqua e il sugo in modo da ottenere una crema corposa sulla pasta. Aggiungere il prezzemolo tritato. Saltare e servire.
Ricetta del 23/05/2013

* Prodotto a marchio consigliato