lunedì 6 agosto 2012

Brazil's Brigadeiros

Traveling ... cuisine from around the world: "Brazil - the conquest of Coffee"

Brigadeiros du Brasil
Brazil's Brigadeiros 
(This recipe is By Nuxia)

The Brigaideiros are typical Brazilian sweets. They are in fact comparable to the bon-bons. The brigadeiros, however, can have multiple ripeni, caramel, chocolate, cappuccino, etc. from the fruit. So I'm really a must Brazilian cuisine. This version that I present are filled with coffee and nuts, local ingredients that are not lacking in lecture notes of Brazilian cuisine.

170g sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon instant coffee, decaffeinated coffee Hag* (already dissolved in water)
1/2 tablespoon of softened butter,
100g of finely chopped walnuts
About 50g of cocoa powder
butter to grease your hands

In a pan with high sides, pour the condensed milk, coffee and butter. Heat everything over low heat, stirring constantly, and making sure the mixture does not stick to the pan for about 5 minutes max. Remove from the heat and add the walnuts. Mix and put everything on a plate to cool just greased with butter. With your hands greased with butter, create and move the balls in cocoa. Let cool in refrigerator until ready to serve. If you want you can decorate with brigadeiros of roasted coffee beans.
Recipe of the 01/08/2012

* Product brand recommended

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