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The Carnival - Between sweet and fun

Carnival is the time to celebrate with their children, this annual event, which in Italy is considered the point at which each expresses the joy of life through jokes, disguises and masks, but it is also a time of unbridled celebration that precedes Lent , where meditation and religion take place, but above all, the festivities are left aside, until the arrival of Easter.

If you want to discover the tempting recipes for Carnival, You must to visit the section "Your recipes" and "More recipe" for sweets, and "Menu nuxia and not only" for the salt (you can click directly on these titles).
Your Recipes:
Chiacchere (Gossip):
( This recipe is By Nuxia )
It's the original recipe, there is also the version that you find in the oven right after this.
400 g of flour
3 eggs
50 g of sugar
50 g of butter
1/2 glass of spirits (holy wine, white wine, marsala)
1 pinch of salt
icing sugar
icing sugar
zest of 1/2 lemon zests eed
oil to taste.Procedure:
Mix eggs with sugar, add melted butter, zest, liquor and then the flour and a pinch of salt until the dough is quite elastic. Roll out thin and cut with a cutter striped rectangles. Fry in hot vegetable oil, drain on absorbent paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar.A typical dessert that comes back every year for Carnival! The recipe of the talk is the most typical and the most simple, perhaps, among the sweets of Carnival ... We can find all over Italy, though called by different names: in Friuli called grostoli in sfrappole Emilia, Veneto Galani, in the Marche - frappe, rags in Tuscany, Campania chatter. Then there are the names: lettuce and lies that always the same sweet ...Variations of the recipe depending on the region of origin are the liquor or wine used in the preparation of the dessert: the marsala, white wine, brandy or anisette.
Recipe of the 2012/02/15
Chiacchere baked
( This recipe is By Nuxia )
250 g flour 00
20 g caster sugar
25 g butter, softened
2 eggs
untreated lemon half
a bag of baking powder
icing sugarsalt
Make a fountain with the flour, the center a pinch of salt, sugar, grated rind of lemon and lievito.Sbattere eggs and put them inside, add two tablespoons of Marsala wine and butter in small pieces.Mix first with a fork, then with your hands, knead until dough is smooth and omogenea.Formare a ball, cover with plastic wrap and rest for 30 minutes.Flatten the dough, pass through the machine with a rolling pin or hang, a thin sheet.Divided into rectangles of 10 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, with the cutter wheel. Two incisions lalunghezza the rectangle of dough. Arrange in single layer on a baking sheet and bake 15 minutes at 180 °. Allow to cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Recipe of the 2012/02/15
( This recipe is By Nuxia )
And 'the original recipe a version is baked, found immediately after this.
50 g of granulated sugar
70 g butter, melted
2 eggs
1 shot of rum (if there are children, can be replaced with milk)
1/2 packet of baking powder
1 pinch of salt
flour for the pastry to taste
For frying:
peanut oil or extra virgin olive oil to taste
In a bowl, sift flour with baking powder 00. Break the eggs in the center, add the melted butter, rum, sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix ingredients well and transfer to the mixture on a floured pastry board. Working with your hands until it is smooth and homogeneous. Detaching a piece of dough and roll it up with the hands, forming a cord of about 1 cm in diameter, then cut into pieces. If you want, work with your hands to get each piece of dough into balls. Heat up the pan of fried, fill it halfway with peanut oil and bring the temperature of 170 C. Fry a few crackers at a time and not just become golden to drain well and place them on several layers of paper towels. Transfer it to a serving dish and serve with a dusting of powdered sugar or with a filling of custard or chocolate. The Castagnole fritters are typical of Romagna and Lazio, as a small chestnut, the inner soft and quick to prepare, and enjoy the crackers are famous in many regions of Italy albeit with different names and with slight variations of ingredients. Little is known about their origin, but it sure is a typical dessert of Carnival, which are both simple and good, that with the filling.
Recipe of the 2012/02/15
Castagnole baked
*This recipe is very easy. Also if you have small children, replaced alkermes preparing a syrup with lukewarm water, sugar and lemon zest. Pass the crackersare still hot two or three times in the syrup and allow to dry. Desserts will be at the right point and avrenno a delicious lemon scent. Also, if you replace the sugar indietetic sweetener, are also suitable for people diebetic or for those who want to stay fit!
200 g of water
600 g of flour
100 g of seed oil
4 eggs
16 g baking powered
2 teaspoons baking soda
a pinch of salt
essence of vanilla
the grated rind of one lemon
icing sugar
Put the fire water, oil and salt in a bowl, as it begins to boil, remove from heat and add 200g flour, stir quickly until it forms a soft ball.
Stir in eggs one at a time, to absorb. Add the remaining flour, baking powder and baking soda. Put a spoonful (or make balls with hands) apart on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. When they are puffed and golden, remove from oven *, cool, wet in alchermes and sugar.
Stir in eggs one at a time, to absorb. Add the remaining flour, baking powder and baking soda. Put a spoonful (or make balls with hands) apart on a baking tray and bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. When they are puffed and golden, remove from oven *, cool, wet in alchermes and sugar.
Recipe of the 2012/02/15
More Recipes:
(This recipe is by Nuxia)
There are various recipes of Zeppole, filled with custard and no filling. This time, I present to you the one with the cream.
Ingredients:200 g of flour
60 g of sugar
1 tablespoon Cognac
peanut oil to taste
custard to taste
sour cherries in syrup
1 pinch of salt
400 g of water.
Pour into a small saucepan with high sides, 400 g of water, sugar, cognac and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Throw in one fell swoop the flour and mix with a whisk, dissolving any lumps, then replace the pot on the stove and cook for a few minutes until the mixture is elastic and will detach from the walls, forming a ball. Transfer the dough onto an oiled work surface and form as many cylinders to make gnocchi, suddivideteli into pieces 10 cm long; tighten a ring, Prick with a fork on top and fry in hot oil to 175 °. Once golden, drain on absorbent paper and transfer them so that they lose the excess oil. Stuff the donuts with a teaspoon of sour cream decorated with syrup and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Recipe of the 2012/02/17
Swivels with lemon and orange
(This recipe by Barbara S.)Ingredients:
½ cup sweet white wine
3 eggs
1 orange
1 lemon
70 grams of sugar
70 grams of sugar
20 g of flour
300 ml of peanut oil.
Pour the flour and the center sgusciateci eggs, add the wine fresh and processed ingredients with a fork first, then with your hands until creamy and smooth and hard.Form a ball and cover with plastic wrap and let rest about 20 minutes at room temperature. Flour the work surface and roll out the dough to a sheet of 2 mm thick, I suggest you also flouring the rolling pin so the dough will spread more easily. Wash the oranges and grate zest directly on the pastry, then sprinkle with sugar superficie.Arrotolate trying to cover all the dough and form a cylinder, then towel sizes into rounds ½ inch thick. Pour the oil in a skillet with high sides or a deep fryer and let it heat well, then gently immerse the swivels few at a time and being careful not to get them to open. Fry the swivels for 5 minutes and Turn them to make them well browned on both sides. As you put the swivels ready on a sheet lined with paper towel and be careful not to overlap those of otherwise absorb the oil in those above the typical losing crispness of these sweets.Recipe of the 2012/02/17
Arancini Carnival with streamers and confetti
(This recipe By Nuxia)

Ingredients for 4 people:
for the arancini:
120g of flour,
3 eggs,
200g of ricotta cheese,
160g sugar,
1 teaspoon baking powder,
1 pinch of cinnamon,
olive oil for frying.
to decorate:
60g of sugar,
1 tablespoon of water,
1 box of balls paneangeli rainbow.
In a bowl mix well the ricotta in a cream so it becomes dense, add a pinch of cinnamon, sugar, stirring constantly, eggs (one at a time), flour mixed with a tablespoon of baking powder paneangeli, little at a time so that no lumps.Obtained the compound in a pan pour olive oil and heat of the flame when the temperature reaches 170 degrees, take half a tablespoon of dough at a time and let it slide in oil with the back of another spoon. Well spaced mounds of dough during baking because it will tend to swell considerably. Saute well the "oranges" by both parties, and blotted onto paper towels to dry. Eliminate eventueli imperfections of dough cooked by rice balls and arrange in a pyramid on a serving platter.Separately, in prepared pan of caramel with 60g of sugar and a tablespoon of water, once obtained dip a fork and pour you lozucchero frittellle forming on the wires on the arancini. Finally corspargete immediate rainbow balls on cotton candy so that they adhere properly, thus creating the effettodi streamers and confetti.
Recipes of the 2012/02/16
Recipes of the 2012/02/16
(This recipe is Maria Teresa)
Ingredients3 eggs
150gr. of sugar
200gr. of flour
100 ml of oil
80 ml of water
2 teaspoons of baking powder
food coloring (or derived from beet juice, beetroot, strawberries, beets, etc..)
a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder dissolved in a drop of water.
Beat the egg whites with 60 gr. of sugar.Beat the egg yolks with remaining sugar to get a clear frothy cream, add oil and mix well, then water, then the flour sifted with baking powder. Stir slowly, eventually, the egg whites until stiff.Divide dough into 4 pieces and color with food coloring.A dark part add cocoa powder dissolved in a few drops of water.Proceed as follows: Pour a spoonful of cream colored in the center of the well-buttered baking pan, add another tablespoon at the center of a different color, and so on.The cream is distributed forming many colored circles, which remain distinct wave cooking. Preheated oven, 180 degrees, 30 min.Switch off, leave for another 10.
Recipes of the 2012/02/16
( This recipe is By Nuxia )
Ingredients for 8 people:
Grated zest of ½ orange
60 g of butter
400 g of flour
½ lemon zest
½ cup of Rum
1 pinch of salt
3 eggs
1 egg yolk
40 grams of sugar
Put the flour in a bowl or on a plane in the classical form of a fountain in the center and add eggs, butter, sugar, liqueur, grated rind of lemon and a pinch of salt. Knead well and, once obtained a homogeneous and compact enough, by the shape of a ball and let it sit for half an hour covered with a clean cloth. Spent the half hour, working the dough for a few minutes and divide into many rods under a thick finger rolls on a lightly floured surface. At this point, cut the sticks into small pieces and arrange them on a towel, being careful not to overlap. Once ready, put the oil in a frying pan and fry the struffoli a bit 'at a time: prelevali puffy and golden, then cool on sgocciolali fouls and paper towels. To dry well and in the meantime, melt the honey gently in a pot large enough. When the honey is melted, turn off the heat and add the struffoli in the saucepan, stirring gently until they are well soaked in honey. Pour half of the tang and candied fruit in the pot, stirring it all again, then take a serving dish and distribute to the struffoli mound, the center of the pot or put an empty glass jar and you have all around this struffoli to form a donut. A honey is still warm, take the remaining candied fruit tang and sprinkle on struffolis, in order to achieve a pleasing aesthetic effect. If you opted for the donut shape, as soon as the honey will be solidified, carefully remove the jar from the center of the dish and serve struffoli.
If you want to get the most struffolis swollen, you can add to the mix a pinch of baking soda or ammonia for gentle, taking care, however, to let the dough rest for at least two hours.
Recipe of the 2012/02/15
50g butter
130g sugar
3 eggs
1 cup of anise
1 pinch of baking soda
1 lemon (grated rind only)
250g of honey
Place the flour and add all the ingredients in the center. Mix thoroughly and cut into sticks. Cut into small pieces and fry in oil a pan over low heat, melt 5 tablespoons of sugar, add the honey he strufoli. Turn off the heat quickly stir for 1 minute to arrange them on a plate giving the shape of a pyramid and garnish with candied fruit, or candy color.
Recipe of 2011/ December/10.
Cicerata - Ciciariata - Cicerchia ( Calabria - Italy )
( This recipe by NUXIA )

200g of honey
4 eggs
20 g of lard or butter (I personally replace it with olive oil)
Olive oil for frying
For the pastry:
a little flour
Place the flour in the center to the rest of the ingredients. Knead vigorously. The dough should be smooth and consistent. Take a piece of dough at a time, roll onfloured pastry board previously, forming long, thin sticks. (As a guide, as the size of a pencil). With a knife cut the dough into pieces the size of a chickpea. Fry the pieces of dough into hot oil, they must share a golden color. Drain and let dry on asheet of absorbent paper or paper for frying.
Heat the honey in a large pot, pour in all the fried cakes. With a wooden spoon, mix well.
On a marble moistened with butter or oil, pour the contents of the pot on the floor. the wooden spoon to form a donut or a pyramid to the mixture. Let cool before serving.You can also take mini servings of "cicerata" by entering the compound directly intopaper cups.
While hot decorated with colorful candies or candied fruit into small pieces.
Recipe of December/17.
Russian salad (Carnival)
(This recipe is Sofia77)
200 grams of ricotta
200 grams of mascarpone
200 grams of cream
50 grams of powdered sugar
2 sachets of saffron
1 lemon (preferably organic)
1 orange (preferably organic)
100 g mixed candied fruit
40 grams of walnuts
8 slices of bread buns
40 grams of butter.
Wash the orange and lemon peel and grate. Whip the cream until stiff with an electric mixer, add powdered sugar and continue for 5 minutes. In another bowl place the ricotta and mascarpone, lavorateli until a smooth paste and smooth, add gradually the cream and continue to work the dough with an electric mixer, combine the saffron and stir until smooth and creamy yellow . Add to your cream andlemon aranciagrattugiati and then also candied and chopped walnuts. You can replace the candies, which often do not like children, with diced fresh fruit such asapples, bananas and kiwi. Mix the ingredients from the bottom up in order not toremove the mold panna.Prendete a plum-cake and covered with plastic kitchentowel, then pour the cream and mascarpone livellatela with the back of a spoon.Cover with another film and refrigerate until ready to serve. Prepare toasted brioche,buttered slices and then cut them into triangles and place in a baking tray covered with baking paper, go under the grill for 2 minutes. Choose a plate with the proper size for your sweet, if possible, colorful. Place the pot on the mold and invert thepreparation, surrounded Russian salad with mascarpone and toasted briochedecorated with some candy or fresh fruit.
Recipe of the 2012/02/17
(This recipe is Sofia77)
200 grams of ricotta
200 grams of mascarpone
200 grams of cream
50 grams of powdered sugar
2 sachets of saffron
1 lemon (preferably organic)
1 orange (preferably organic)
100 g mixed candied fruit
40 grams of walnuts
8 slices of bread buns
40 grams of butter.
Wash the orange and lemon peel and grate. Whip the cream until stiff with an electric mixer, add powdered sugar and continue for 5 minutes. In another bowl place the ricotta and mascarpone, lavorateli until a smooth paste and smooth, add gradually the cream and continue to work the dough with an electric mixer, combine the saffron and stir until smooth and creamy yellow . Add to your cream andlemon aranciagrattugiati and then also candied and chopped walnuts. You can replace the candies, which often do not like children, with diced fresh fruit such asapples, bananas and kiwi. Mix the ingredients from the bottom up in order not toremove the mold panna.Prendete a plum-cake and covered with plastic kitchentowel, then pour the cream and mascarpone livellatela with the back of a spoon.Cover with another film and refrigerate until ready to serve. Prepare toasted brioche,buttered slices and then cut them into triangles and place in a baking tray covered with baking paper, go under the grill for 2 minutes. Choose a plate with the proper size for your sweet, if possible, colorful. Place the pot on the mold and invert thepreparation, surrounded Russian salad with mascarpone and toasted briochedecorated with some candy or fresh fruit.
Recipe of the 2012/02/17
Nuxia's Menu but not only:
Arancini Coloured
(This recipe is By Nuxia )
(This recipe is By Nuxia )

parboiled rice
Cheese cubes
Parsley for the green,
Paprika for red,
Saffron and corn flour for yellow
Oil seeds
Cook rice, cool, knead into balls about 2.5 cm, insert a cube of cheese in the center.
Mix the breadcrumbs with the parsley for the green, the red paprika, saffron and flourdimais for yellow.
Breaded balls in flour, beaten egg and finally in bread crumbs colored flag to get the arancini.
Fry in abundant oil seeds, dry on paper towels and serve.
Recipe of the 2012/02/16
Harlequin skewers
(This recipe is By Nuxia )
Emmenthal cheese into cubes
Kiwi diced
Get some skewers with cheese, kiwi, tomatoes, sprinkle with a pinch of salt.
Serve stuffed into an orange.
Recipe of the 2012/02/16
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