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Brioche paste
Brioche French origins of the dough is leavened dough type. The main ingredients are: flour, eggs, brewer's yeast or sourdough. The end result once mixed the ingredients, you must obtain a light paste, sleek, bright yellow like the yolk, and have a sweet taste of butter. The flavor should be intense but not cloying, and fingers should not remain traces of grease. To prepare you need to use fresh eggs Barn and butter of excellent quality. The most famous is certainly the Brioche dough sweet, not to be confused with croissant dough, is a cross between brioche dough and puff pastry already been treated previously. The Brioche dough can take different forms: a croissant, etc. to round. his cooking can be done either in the oven for frying in deep fat frying, which changes its taste, a sample of pasta pastries are the donuts. But not everyone knows that there is a brioche dough savory version, called "Coulibiac" which is very similar to sweet brioche dough, but with less presence of butter in the dough. It uses the same method of preparation of variant sweet, but mostly serves to wrap the fillets of salmon or sea bass, for me, the beef in pastry. In addition, it has a light and crumbly texture. Following are two recipes.
Brioche Paste
INGREDIENTS20 g fresh yeast
700 g flour Manitoba
7 eggs
300 g soft butter lightly salted
1 vanilla pod
Procedure: In a bowl dissolve the yeast with a tablespoon of warm water, the seeds of the vanilla pod, 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix well to dissolve the yeast well. In a bowl, pour about 1 / 3 of the flour and add yeast dissolved. Mix with your fingertips, mixing flour and yeast. Transferred the dough on lightly floured work surface and work vigorously with your hands until dough is fairly consistent, which will form a ball.Replace the ball in the bowl with a knife and slit forming a cross, cover and let rise for 2 hours or until it has doubled in volume. After rising time paid into planetary jar of the remaining flour, 3 eggs and 3 egg yolks, mix briefly and add the dough. Work until dough is smooth. Add the softened butter and continue to work until a soft dough. Transfer the dough on a floured work surface and knead it with a lot of energy without adding flour. When the dough is smooth a ball that is detached from the work surface, cover and let rise in a warm for two hours. After rising time cut the dough into two pieces, in the proportion of 2 / 3 and 1 / 3. Put away the biggest part in buttered mold and the mixture was formed with a ball and place it over the first mixture. let rise again for 1 and 30 minutes. Brush with 1 egg yolk and bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 55 minutes.
Coulibiac paste (paste savory pastries)
12 g of fresh yeast
450 g of flour
10 g of salt
3 egg yolks
90 g of butter, slightly softened
45 g of sugar
Follow the process of brioche dough.
If you want to discover the tempting recipes with pasta or pasta strudel brisée You do not have to visit the section "More recipe" for sweets, and "Menu nuxia and not only" for the salt (you can click directly on these titles).
Your Recipes:
Nuxia's Menu but not only:
(This recipe By Nuxia )

INGREDIENTS1 kg bread dough
150 g flour,about
150 g bacon
100 g Emmental
100 g gruyere
30 g of olive oil a little more for greasing the molds parsley
2 eggs
pimento (pepper, cloves)
Knead the dough for bread kneading hook fitted with whisk, incorporating an egg, 30 g of oil, the chopped bacon together with the already Emmental and Gruyère, 150 g of flour, parsley, salt and ground allspice. Continue working for a few minutes and, if the dough is too soft, add more flour a tablespoon at the end will be very firm but very flexible. Let the dough rise for 2 hours, then knead briefly on lightly floured work surface, forming some salametti that you will cut into pieces of 50 g each.From each piece obtained a large and a small ball that sormonterà, forming the classic brioche. Place the brioche molds fluted in, anointed with oil, let it rise for 60 ', pennellatele egg and bake at 400 degrees F for 25'.
Recipe of the 2012/02/01
(This recipe is from Sandra - Germany)
For the brioche dough:
300 g flour
150 g milk
12g yeast
3 and an egg yolk to brush -
olive oil
To finish and serve:
g shallots 30
8 sausages
salad and arugula
white wine
red wine vinegar
Extra virginolive oil
Brioche dough: work in kneading the flour, egg yolks, yeast, milk, a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt, let the dough rise for an hour then roll it out to 4 mmthick, crop it into 8 strips Wrap in a spiral around the sausages brushed withmustard. Accomodateli on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper,pennellateli egg, let it rest 30 ', then bake at 400 degrees F for about 20'. To finish and serve: simmer the shallots in a mixture of white wine and vinegar, a tablespoon of sugar, pepper, bay leaf, and after 20 'of cooking, turn off and let cool in their liquid.Cut the sausage in the bread into slices and serve on a bed of rocket salad and mixwith the shallots, all already seasoned with oil, salt and pepper.
Recipe of the 2012/02/02
(This recipe By Nuxia )
a fillet of salmon (500 g), cleaned of skin and bones,
250 g bread dough
100 g flour
80 g cream
8 scallops
3 egg yolks
sweet paprika
an onion
sesame seeds
fish stock
Place the bread dough in the bowl of the mixer together with the egg yolks, a tablespoon of sugar, flour, start the machine fitted with a hose hook and work a long time, until the dough is soft and smooth, let it rest in a warm place for 2 hours.Meanwhile, place the salmon on a baking tray with butter, season with salt, paprika and bake at 250 degrees for 8 '; sfornatelo and let it cool. When the dough hasrested, roll it out to 3 mm thick, pennellatela melted butter, then sprinkle with sesame seeds salmon arrotolatevi Place the roll on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, sprinkle with sesame butter pennellatelo engrave to jealousy, then bake at 250 ° for 20 'approximately. Meanwhile, for sauce, dried in a knob of butter, chopped onion, add the scallops in shell, raw, let them flavor, moisten with a ladle offish stock, cream, seasoned with salt, paprika, chopped parsley and then reduce tosauce to accompany fish.
Recipe of the 2012/02/03
Your Recipes:
SMALL brioche ganache cream
(This recipe By Nuxia )
Brioche dough:
500 g flour a little more for work surface
200 g milk
120 g egg yolks
100 g sugar
100 g butter
15 g yeastan egg for brushing salt.
Cream ganache:
400 g dark chocolate
400g fresh creamcoffee powdericing sugarcoffee liqueur
Brioche dough: Prepare a batter of flour with 100 g (taken from the total quantity) and the yeast dissolved in 50 g of water, let it rise for an hour in a warm place, then transfer it into the bowl of the kneading together with the yolks, sugar, soft butter, the remaining flour (g 400), 4 g of salt milk. Start the machine equipped with a hose hook until the dough will be smooth, elastic and not sticky. Transfer it on lightly floured pastry board, knead briefly, then let it rise again until it tripled in volume. At this point, divide it into 24 loaves (brioche), lucidatele beaten egg, place them well apart on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, let it rise again and then bake at 400 degrees F for 25 'or so. Cream ganache: chocolate, chopped, pick it up in a bowl and melt in a double boiler along with cream and 3 tablespoons of ground coffee, then let the mixture cool, then mount it with a whisk until frothy creamy (ganache). Brioche ready to cut off the "hat", partially empty it of crumbs, pennellatele internally coffee liqueur and fill with the cream ganache collected in a pocket of the canvas with large nozzle. Recompose the rolls, then sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.
Recipe of 2012/02/01
( This recipe By Nuxia )
INGREDIENTSFor the brioche:250 g white flour
75 g butter
60 g milk
40 g granulated sugar
25 g yeastan egg and a yolk
vanillin icing
flour and butter for the pastry board and the mold
For the filling:
250 g milk
200 g fresh chestnuts
100 g cream
granulated sugar
half a bag of vanillin
It is convenient to make this recipe in 2 stages, beginning with the filling. Slit the chestnuts and place them in water for 2 or 3 hours in cold water (discard those that are afloat, they are certainly not good). Then plunge into boiling water, lightly salted, and boil for 20 '. Remove them from water and peel them as by removing the bark and tough skins below. Put them back to cook with the milk and boil for about 25 ', stirring with a wooden spoon. If the milk is not sufficient, unitene other. You will be able to reduce them to a purée with a spoon. In the end, pour in the cream, a tablespoon of sugar, the vanilla and remove from heat. Prepare the dough pastries: mix the flour in a bowl with sugar, a pinch of salt, vanilla, egg and melted the yeast in warm milk. You work all these ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.Incorporat then the butter, and soft pieces. Knead the dough on a pastry long: it will be very soft and sticky at first but then becomes soft, smooth and elastic. (Hopefully at this stage, you can use a good mixer). Only then will stop working. Cover with a clean cloth and let rest for 30 'at room temperature. Place it on floured pastry board and staccatene off about one quarter, holding the part. Obtained from the rest of a rectangle about 2 cm and a half thick. Lie over the stuffing of chestnuts. Roll the dough on itself, forming a cylinder. Roll it "spiral" and put it in a high-sided mold, buttered, about twice the cake. At the heart of the "spiral", carved a small niche.Form a ball of dough with the fourth held by the recess and press it. Cover with a cloth and let rise in warm place for about 2 hours. Eventually, the mixture should fill the entire mold. Mix the egg yolks with half a tablespoon of water and brush the surface of the brioche with it, pass it in the oven already heated to a temperature of 375°F and cook for about 45 minutes. If the top had to color him too much, protect it with a piece of aluminum foil. Remove from oven let stand for about 5 ', baggy and let cool on a wire rack from brioche pastry. Serve immediately, sprinkled with powdered sugar, brought down by a serve.
Recipe of 2012/02/01
(This recipe is from Hellen - New Jersey)
For the brioche:
350 g flour
150 g butter
30 g caster sugar
10 g yeast
2 eggs and one yolk
sugar and flour for the plaque and the cooking
For the cream:
300 g pumpkin clean icing sugar
50 g dark rum
For the brioche dough, dissolve the yeast with 2 tablespoons of warm water 15 gsugar, and add much flour (by weight), how much will be required to obtain a softdough that you will rise for 2 hours. Then transferred in the mixer, combine flour andremaining sugar, melted butter, eggs, egg yolk, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a pinchof salt and work with the whip hook until dough is elastic, soft and smooth . Let rise in warm place until it is almost doubled in volume. Meanwhile prepare the filling: Cook the pumpkin in the oven, wrapped in aluminum foil and, when tender, pass it to the mill and mix it with powdered sugar and half a glass of rum. Divide the doughinto 12 pieces, stendeteli handkerchief, fill them with a little cream of pumpkin and seal with a ball. Arrange the 12 balls (brioche) on a buttered and floured plate,sprinkle with a little sugar, let rise again for 15 'then infornatele at 400 ° F for 10', thenreduce temperature to 325 degrees F and finish cooking in the other 15 'about. Baked brioche and let it cool before serving.
Recipe of 2012/02/02
(This recipe is Nuxia)
350 g flour
80 g butter
60 g chopped pistachios
50 g sugar
20 g yeast
3 egg yolks
butter and flour the molds
stuffing and garnish:
1/2 liter of custard
lemon peel
peeled pistachios
cocoa powder
Brioche: with the dough hook whisk all the ingredients worked with 100 g of milk mixed with 50 g of water. Let the dough rise covered with a damp cloth until it is doubled in volume, then divide into 24 equal balls, put them in as many disposable ramekins, buttered and floured, pennellatele melted butter and leave to rise again (have to double in size), then infornatele to 200 ° C for 20 'circa.Farcia and garnish the custard flavored with lemon zest, then stuffed the buns, pre-checked and partially emptied. Garnish with its "hats", peeled pistachios and cocoa.
Recipe of the 03/02/2012
(This recipe is Stefy75)
250 g flour
180 g butter
70 g powdered sugar
20 g cocoaan egg
a teaspoon of vanilla extractsa lt
350 g flour rich in gluten
150 g butter approximately
70 g milk
30 g sugar
10 g yeast
3 egg yolks
an egg
half teaspoon of vanilla extract
To complete:
Jam (any flavor you prefer)
caster sugar and icing
Shortbread: Work the ingredients with a pinch of salt to obtain a homogeneous mixture, wrap in plastic wrap and place in refrigerator to rest for 30 '. Hang then to mm 4-5 of thickness and with it coated a mold low, round (ø cm 28) and bake at 180 ° C for 13 '. Churned out the "shell" and allow to cool. Brioche dough: dissolve the yeast with 4-5 tablespoons of warm water, add a pinch of sugar and flour and how much it takes to get an elastic dough. Place it in a covered bowl to rise until doubled in volume. Then mix it with the remaining ingredients, adding milk a little at a time.Let rise the new mixture, then roll it out into a 37x32 inch rectangle, sprinkle with jam and sprinkle with a handful of almonds. Roll it on the shorter side and cut into 8 cm thick 3 swivels. Spread on the bottom of the "shell" of pastry a light layer of jam and walk over to the swivels. Let rise until they have filled almost all the space available to them within the "shell". Finally, sprinkle with powdered sugar, the molded edge of pastry following the outline formed by swivels and bake the cake at 175 ° C for 40 '.Sfornatela, let it cool for 30 ', then sformatela. Serve dusted with icing sugar.
Recipe of the 03/02/2012
Nuxia's Menu but not only:
(This recipe By Nuxia )

INGREDIENTS1 kg bread dough
150 g flour,about
150 g bacon
100 g Emmental
100 g gruyere
30 g of olive oil a little more for greasing the molds parsley
2 eggs
pimento (pepper, cloves)
Knead the dough for bread kneading hook fitted with whisk, incorporating an egg, 30 g of oil, the chopped bacon together with the already Emmental and Gruyère, 150 g of flour, parsley, salt and ground allspice. Continue working for a few minutes and, if the dough is too soft, add more flour a tablespoon at the end will be very firm but very flexible. Let the dough rise for 2 hours, then knead briefly on lightly floured work surface, forming some salametti that you will cut into pieces of 50 g each.From each piece obtained a large and a small ball that sormonterà, forming the classic brioche. Place the brioche molds fluted in, anointed with oil, let it rise for 60 ', pennellatele egg and bake at 400 degrees F for 25'.
Recipe of the 2012/02/01

(This recipe is from Sandra - Germany)
For the brioche dough:
300 g flour
150 g milk
12g yeast
3 and an egg yolk to brush -
olive oil
To finish and serve:
g shallots 30
8 sausages
salad and arugula
white wine
red wine vinegar
Extra virginolive oil
Brioche dough: work in kneading the flour, egg yolks, yeast, milk, a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt, let the dough rise for an hour then roll it out to 4 mmthick, crop it into 8 strips Wrap in a spiral around the sausages brushed withmustard. Accomodateli on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper,pennellateli egg, let it rest 30 ', then bake at 400 degrees F for about 20'. To finish and serve: simmer the shallots in a mixture of white wine and vinegar, a tablespoon of sugar, pepper, bay leaf, and after 20 'of cooking, turn off and let cool in their liquid.Cut the sausage in the bread into slices and serve on a bed of rocket salad and mixwith the shallots, all already seasoned with oil, salt and pepper.
Recipe of the 2012/02/02

(This recipe By Nuxia )
a fillet of salmon (500 g), cleaned of skin and bones,
250 g bread dough
100 g flour
80 g cream
8 scallops
3 egg yolks
sweet paprika
an onion
sesame seeds
fish stock
Place the bread dough in the bowl of the mixer together with the egg yolks, a tablespoon of sugar, flour, start the machine fitted with a hose hook and work a long time, until the dough is soft and smooth, let it rest in a warm place for 2 hours.Meanwhile, place the salmon on a baking tray with butter, season with salt, paprika and bake at 250 degrees for 8 '; sfornatelo and let it cool. When the dough hasrested, roll it out to 3 mm thick, pennellatela melted butter, then sprinkle with sesame seeds salmon arrotolatevi Place the roll on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, sprinkle with sesame butter pennellatelo engrave to jealousy, then bake at 250 ° for 20 'approximately. Meanwhile, for sauce, dried in a knob of butter, chopped onion, add the scallops in shell, raw, let them flavor, moisten with a ladle offish stock, cream, seasoned with salt, paprika, chopped parsley and then reduce tosauce to accompany fish.
Recipe of the 2012/02/03
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